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The second year of a unique conference focused on trends in the real estate sector in Bratislava

20 November 2024
Engage with leaders in the real estate market to explore emerging trends and investment opportunities in Slovakia and globally.
The Ministry of Transport of the Slovak Republic, The Slovak Investment and Trade Development Agency (SARIO) and AmCham Slovakia has taken on the patronage of the conference.


  • representatives of major development, construction and investment companies
  • representatives of real estate funds, real estate owners and investors
  • representatives of cities, municipalities, regions and public administration
  • representatives of banks, law firms and consulting companies and other professionals actively operating on the Slovak and international real estate market


  • the professional portion of the conference will feature panel discussions focused on selected real estate market trends, current and specific projects, and real estate topics relevant to the Slovak market
  • the professional part includes coffee breaks
  • after the 3-hour official program, participants can enjoy an informal networking reception featuring a gourmet buffet at a venue that boasts elegant spaces and a stunning view of the Danube River
  • this event offers a rare chance to network with intriguing attendees and make personal connections with potential business partners – the owners and top executives of leading companies, financial institutions, consulting firms, and government representatives

Konference pre odborníkov na slovenskom a medzinárodnom realitnom trhu


  • odborná časť konferencie – moderované bloky panelových diskusií zamerané na vybrané trendy realitného trhu, aktuálne a špecifické projekty & realitné témy na Slovensku
  • odborná časť je doplnená prestávkami s ľahkým občerstvením
  • po oficiálnom cca 3-hodinovom programe nasleduje neformálna časť večera v podobe networkingu s rautom na mieste, ktoré spája top gastronómiu s elegantnými priestormi a jedinečným výhľadom na rieku Dunaj
  • využite jedinečnú možnosť networkingu v kruhu zaujímavých hostí a nadviazanie osobného kontaktu s novými potenciálnymi obchodnými partnermi z radu majiteľov a top manažmentu najvýznamnejších spoločností, finančných inštitúcií, poradenských firiem a zástupcov verejnej správy


Keynote topic
Real estate investment strategy: The world's largest alternative investment manager's unique insight into current market conditions, emerging trends and future investment opportunities in commercial real estate worldwide.
Demographic Shifts Unlock New Investment Opportunities
The ageing population, declining birth rate, and migration trends have a significant impact on the real estate market in Slovakia. In the context of inflation, which is influencing interest rate hikes and political instability in the region, the market is undergoing a gradual transformation. The changing real estate landscape has led to an expansion of investments beyond traditional commercial sectors. The real estate industry is seeing growing interest in a diverse range of sectors, including rental housing, retirement homes, and student housing. Additionally, investments in data centres and the health/rehabilitation services industry are also emerging as focal points. To succeed, investors and developers must identify these changes and quickly adapt their strategies accordingly. Diversifying investments across different sectors and locations is crucial for building a well-rounded portfolio. So how will these trends influence the decisions of the world‘s wealthiest individuals. Additionally, where will capital flow from the CEE region?
Looking for Slovakia's New Capital – The Race Between Cities and Regions
Slovakia‘s regions possess significant potential to rival the capital, Bratislava, which itself faces intense competition, particularly for attracting talent. Effective collaboration between the private and the public sectors, coupled with investments in infrastructure, education, and innovation, can cultivate conditions conducive to the emergence of new thriving urban centres. In cooperation with municipal and private sector representatives, we will discuss strategies to enhance the appeal of these cities and attract both domestic and foreign investors and talent.
Alternative Approaches to Housing Development and Legal Frameworks for Real Estate
This conference will explore innovative housing strategies, such as the construction of rental and cooperative units, as well as the policy challenges surrounding rental housing. We will examine how economic conditions influence the housing market and consider those factors when making investment choices. The conference agenda will cover key factors impacting investment success and profitability, including the affordability and quality of housing, as well as related legal considerations. We will also examine the key differences in rental housing between Slovakia and the Czech Republic, highlighting the primary factors driving those market distinctions.


  • Maria Theresia Ballroom Foyer


  • Maria Theresia Ballroom


  • Maria Theresia Ballroom

    Jozef Ráž , Minister of Transport of the Slovak Republic

    Gábor Borbély (CBRE)

    Keynote speech

  • Maria Theresia Ballroom

    Looking for Slovakia's New Capital – The Race Between Cities and Regions

    Moderator: Tomáš Hegedüš

    Vladimír Ledecký (SPIŠSKÝ HRHOV)

    Róbert Šimončič (SARIO)

    Martina Slabejová (AMCHAM SLOVAKIA)

    Mário Lelovský (RUZ/ITAS)

    Panel discussion

  • Maria Theresia Ballroom Foyer

    Coffee break

  • Maria Theresia Ballroom

    Alternative Forms of Housing Construction and Legal Frameworks for Real Estate Investment

    Moderator: Lenka Buchláková

    Martin Vlk (HAVEL & PARTNERS)

    Michal Rehák (PENTA REAL ESTATE)

    Karol Bielovský (SLOVENSKÁ SPORITEĽŇA)


    Panel discussion

  • Maria Theresia Ballroom

    Demographic Changes Are Opening up New Investment Opportunities

    Moderator: Lenka Buchláková

    Štěpán Štarha (ONE FAMILY OFFICE)

    Gábor Borbély (CBRE)

    Viktor Novysedlák (RRZ)

    Samuel Vetrak (BONARD)

    Panel discussion

  • Maria Theresia Ballroom Foyer

    An informal part of the evening in the form of networking with a buffet at a venue that combines top gastronomy with elegant spaces and a unique view of the Danube River




Ladislava Cengelová | MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT OF THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC | Director-General
Martina Šlabejová
Martina Slabejová | AMCHAM SLOVAKIA | Executive Director
Róbert Šimončič
Róbert Šimončič | SARIO | Chief Executive Officer
Vladimír Ledecký | Former mayor of Spišský Hrhov
Karol Bielovský foto
Karol Bielovský | SLOVENSKÁ SPORITEĽŇA | Head of Real Estate Project Finance
Michal Rehák foto
Michal Rehák | PENTA REAL ESTATE | Business Director
Gabor Borbely foto
Gábor Borbély | CBRE | Head of Research CEE
Viktor Novysedlák
Viktor Novysedlák | RRZ | Executive Director
Štěpán Štarha
Štěpán Štarha | ONE FAMILY OFFICE | Partner
Josef Ráž
Jozef Ráž | Minister of Transport of the Slovak Republic
Martin Vlk foto
Martin Vlk | HAVEL & PARTNERS | Counsel
Tomáš Hegedüš foto
Tomáš Hegedüš | CBRE | Managing Director
Samuel Vetrak | BONARD | Chief Executive Officer
Mário Lelovský
Mário Lelovský | RUZ/ITAS | Vice-President


Registration for the conference is only possible with an invitation, which is non-transferable and valid for one person. For more information, please contact Tatiana Šimončičová at +421911816822 or
Registration fee includes access to the expert sessions, refreshments during breaks, and entry to the evening networking event. The registration fee is €250 + VAT. Event capacity is limited. After submitting the form, please wait to receive the invoice. The invoice must be paid by the due date, but no later than before the event begins. In the case of an unpaid invoice, you will not be allowed entry to the event.
Form submission is now closed.



Main Partners


Media Partners


Grand Hotel River Park, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Bratislava

Dvořákovo nábrežie 6, 811 02 Bratislava, Slovakia
Reserve your accommodation at a discounted rate with the code „CBRE Conference

Previous Year's Photo Gallery

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